Friday, October 9, 2020

Stand Firm - Find Joy

Inspired by Philippians 4:1-9

I am almost afraid to watch the news 
    or check my phone
    or listen to the radio 
for fear that my anxiety will be ratcheted up
to a level that can only be soothed by
    a hearty loaf of  fresh-baked bread,
    slathered with French Sea Salt butter,
    and devoured in one sitting. 

Or a batch of my favorite home-baked cookies,
    which may or may not even make it into the oven...
        apparently, frozen cookie balls are an up and coming member
        of the comfort food family.

In times of distress and anxiety, Paul's instructions
    mean even more.
And so I ask myself

What are the things that give me joy?

Making soup from scratch - 
    maybe butternut squash or chicken and rice 
    stands next in the queue
        choosing, chopping, seasoning, heating
The sum is always greater than the parts.

Reading a good book again and again - 
    even if I know what's going to happen, it's OK
    well-written words reveal more than the plot
    they capture the essence 
        of striving to live,
        of overcoming obstacles 
        and learning what it means to really be alive.

Making something useful from scraps of yarn and lace -
    my preoccupation with crafting shawls
    must be linked to my desire to feel 
        cozy and comfortable, and even when by myself
        never alone
    Kept for me or given away
        making something from scratch  is interwoven with
        many prayers and a piece of my heart.

Spending time with people who make me feel whole
    whose only expectations are 
        and acceptance
        with an occasional moment of whimsy thrown in 

I work to translate
    these tangible springs of joy
    to my journey of faith.

Stand firm, Paul says
Help others, be gentle, don't worry
Feel God's presence in the midst of these simple,
    yet difficult things.
Pray and give thanks and rest in the peace that comes 
    from trusting in the Holy to define who we are
    rather than letting the world define us


All are rooted in God's plan for creation and the created.

Seeking them
Pursuing them
Witnessing them
Doing them

This is the path to oneness with God
This is the path to oneness with each other
This is the path to peace... real peace... God's peace.

Standing firm... finding joy
So simple
So hard
So necessary

No matter what profession or vocation
this is the work we must choose
this is the work that will save the world
this is the work that will save us all

Deb Luther Teagan
(c) October 9, 2020

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