Inspired by Matthew 22:34-40 and 1 Thessalonians 2:1-8
Reformation Sunday, 2020
How boring would it be if we never changed?
If we never grew or
learned new things or
never let our interactions
and relationships with other people
make a lasting impression on us?
We feel like the safest thing is to always stay the same,
to hold on to the principles and lessons taught us from our birth.
But what if those things hold us back?
What if the easy thing is not the best thing?
What if the safe way is not the loving way?
What if we become so rooted in our comfort
we pass up the chance to become something
better and more beloved
than we ever imagined we could be.
How much courage does it take to welcome re-formation?
How much power are we willing to give up?
How much privilege are we willing to cede to those who have
different voices
different expectations
than our own?
It takes a lot!
Jesus taught us that over everything else
We should love God and love our neighbor
with all our heart and mind and soul
with everything we have and everything we are.
That's it - that's the tweet.
Everything else is static.
Re-formation isn't just a holiday on the Protestant church calendar.
It's also what Jesus calls us to live out every day
by stepping out of our comfort zones
by listening to another witness
by speaking up for those whose voices have been silenced or ignored
by giving up the microphone to someone else who will say,
"Let's think of this a different way."
Re-formation happens when we stop taking the easy way out,
when we stop taking the path of least resistance
and start taking the path of excellence
Re-formation happens when we assume the demands and risks of love
with confidence and courage that come as a gift from God.
Re-formation happens when we seek to please God, not others
as our first and foremost duty of faith.
Re-formation happens when we share ourselves with others,
allowing vulnerability to be our default position,
instead of something we allow only as a last resort.
And when re-formation happens
the main thing remains the main thing...
Love wins!
(C) Deb Luther Teagan - October 25, 2020
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