I have been told
time and time again
that because I am a person who follows Jesus
time and time again
that because I am a person who follows Jesus
I should either have no political views
or they should comport to a narrow bandwidth of opinions
supported by a mere handful of biblical references.
I have been told
time and time again
that because I am a woman
my value to society is less -
67 percent, on average -
and that one day my husband will be able to get me under control.
They say if I just take the bible seriously
it will all become clear.
I have been told
time and time again
that heaven is for those who claim Jesus
and hell is for those who don't
and that I should spend more time
learning about substitutionary atonement
and wait for the Rapture to save us from the wrath to come.
I have been told
time and time again
that there is a small corpus of writers
who I'm allowed to read and teach
and that any book
or quote
or author
who deviates from "the way it's always been"
will only lead people astray.
And to all of this I say,
"Stop gaslighting me."
"Stop gaslighting me."
Stop trying to make me feel guilty for having questions
about why the world is the way it is.
Stop trying to make me feel crazy when I see the world in a different way...
one that respects the rights of people
to control their own bodies
to marry the person they love
to have all people enjoy the same protection under the law
to wear a mask in public and stay home when it feels best.
Stop trying to make me unbelieve the things that God has shown me
through my own study and living in the Word -
that loving God and loving people is the most important thing
that compromise is a biblical principal
that sometimes the answers to our questions only come after the pain
that selling out to power by our leaders will drag us all under.
Jesus came not just to save humankind, but the whole creation.
It's the reason I can believe in the story of creation
and the reality of climate science.
It's the reason that I can love the people who think like me
and the ones who don't
It's the reason I can find joy in my mother's good health
even though I'm not sure she remembers who I am
It's the reason I get up and start every day with a good cup of coffee
and not a flask of whiskey or something else to numb the pain
I stand as a citizen of a particular country,
living abroad
listening to foreign news
with the not-so-sudden realization
They are gaslighting us all to death.
And the only question left is
what am I going to do about it?
Deb Luther Teagan
(c) October 6, 2020
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