Sunday, March 12, 2017

One Page Sermons in Verse - the beginning

One Page Sermons in Verse

My best work comes late at night or early in the morning
when sleep is hovering
and it feels like too much trouble
to find a pen and paper
and turn on the lights.

And the thoughts are so good and so clear
that I am totally sure that I will remember them forever.
But sleep impinges on my memory
and they float away like wispy clouds
or leaves in a quiet stream.

So many of my best works are lost
and only snippets remain in the works I eventually sit down to write.

But maybe they are not really lost,
for I know
and God knows
and, in fact, what I learn about the two of us
in those moments
is far more important
than anything I could share with anyone else.

(c) Deb Luther Teagan - March 2017

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